Community Updates – July 2nd

Posted By on July 2, 2021

Dear Luma Residents,

Kai’s Table Block Party July 3rd

Kai’s Tables, at 1091 S Hope St, has organized a block party for this Saturday, July 3rd, from 12–8PM. 11 St. will be closed for the party between Hope and Flower St.  Neighboring businesses; Sonorita’s Prime Taco, B YOU, and Nimbus Coffee will be participating in the Block Party. They plan to have live music, games, food and other festivities. You can rsvp by clicking here or by scanning the QR code in the attached flyer.

Luma Window and Building Wash Begins July 5th

On Monday July 5, 2021 washing of the exterior building and windows will begin.  Please see the schedule and a detailed explanation of the procedures each unit will need to take posted in the mailroom.

Tree Trimming on the Terrace July 6th

Viking Tree Service will be on property to trim the Guava Trees near the BBQ pits closer to Elleven on Tuesday, July 6th after 9 am.

UPDATE: Power Shut Down July 7th

There has been a change to the duration of the shut-down from six hours to four hours.  EverCharge, our Electric Vehicle (EV) installation vendor will soon be connecting the EV transformer to the existing building power.  To accomplish this, they need to shut down power for a four (4) hour period. The shut-down is scheduled for Wednesday, July 7th between the hours of 10AM to 2PM.  As a precautionary measure, please backup all computers, programs, pictures, documents and data, and shut-off all electronic devices (TV’s, computers, monitors, IPADS etc.). The air conditioning for individual units, both residential and commercial, will not be working during the outage. Please remember that the units can quickly get warm so please keep your pets safe.  During the outage, there will be no power inside units and no running water. 

Pool and Spa Reopened

Recently, the pool and spa needed to be drained as a result of someone breaking a glass container on the deck.  Broken glass in the pool and spa is a big safety concern which is why no glass or sharp objects are allowed in the pool and spa area.  If glass or sharp objects are brought to the pool area and they cause an accident, the responsible Owner will be liable for the cost of any resulting damage or injury. Only plastic or suitable non-breakable containers are allowed in the pool and spa area.  Pets are not allowed in the pool and spa area.  See complete listing of all the Terrace, Pool and Spa Rules under the tab Documents/ Rules and Regulations.

EV Charging Installation Update

The EverCharge team will be onsite next week Tuesday through Friday.  On Wednesday, they’ll be connecting power to the building, on the other days, they’ll be working on the basement level, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors starting at 9AM each day.  They’ll be installing conduit on all of those floors, drilling and hammering.  For yours and their safety, please follow all instructions from the EverCharge team.  

Sounds of South Park July 2nd

Meghan & Caitlin will play at South Park Commons, on July 2nd. Stop by from 6-8 PM and visit for more information.

New Luma Staff Member Juan Munoz

Juan has recently joined the engineering team.  Please say hi to Juan if you see him around the community.  Welcome Juan!

Management Office is Closed on July 5th

The management office will be closed on Monday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day.  For assistance, please contact the front desk staff at or 213-742-0387.

Have a great weekend! 


1100 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 742-0387

Management Team

General Manager
Francis Langlois, CCAM-HR |

Manager Assistant
Taylor Jones |

Building Engineers
Steve Evans |


Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Office | 800-400-2284 EXT. 3608
(949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303