Manager’s Messages

Electricity Charges – Follow Up to Propose Rule Change

Dear Luma Homeowners,

We received feedback from an owner regarding the proposed rule change for the sub-metering electrical charges we mailed to you recently. See attached notice for reference. Based on that valuable feedback we are providing the below information.

Currently, energy charges appear on your monthly statement. Each unit has its own separate electrical meter and is billed every month by how much electricity they use. At the time of sale, typically a buyer and seller settle on an arrangement that ensures these charges are paid in full to Luma.

On rare occasions, the pending electrical charges are overlooked, and the HOA is left with the outstanding debt. In the future, the Luma Board is proposing a rule change that was recommended Action Property Management’s Accounts Receivables department. Under the new rules, owners will be responsible for charges when they are billed by Luma, even if they did not own the unit when the charges were incurred.

We hope you found this additional information helpful.

Luma Homeowners Association

Crime Alert!

The area is currently experiencing high number of vehicle break-ins and thefts. At least two vehicles were reported to staff as being rummaged through in the early morning. While the LAPD and onsite staff is making every effort to combat this problem, community awareness is the key to prevention.
Park your vehicle in a well-lit location, preferably visible to public view. Never leave valuables in plain view. Personal items, including cell phones, GPS devices, laptops or back backpacks/purses should be removed from vehicle (This includes Luma’s parking garage.) If you must leave personal items in your vehicle, place them inside the trunk and/or out of sight prior to parking your vehicle. Please keep an eye out for any activity that appears out of the ordinary and report any suspicions, concerns or security threat to the front desk. A phone call can be very helpful in preventing and decreasing security risks. Your cooperation is appreciated by all who call Luma their home.
ELEVATORS ~ If someone is in the elevator and cannot seem to select a floor, DO NOT scan your fob. Please direct the person to the front desk. This will prevent unauthorized access.
PARKING GATES ~ If a resident approaches the gate and there is a car and/or person waiting, DO NOT open the gate, unless you can confirm the person is a resident. Otherwise, wait a moment to make sure the person has a garage remote. If they remain in front of the gate, contact the front desk to report the person in front of the gate. Residents may go around to the alternate entrance or wait for Luma staff to verify the person at the gate. Please contact the front desk if you notice any suspicious foot traffic or activity around the parking gates.
Please remember that residents should not rely on the Association to protect them from loss or harm. Residents should take every precaution to secure themselves and their personal belongings such as but not limited to, carrying insurance against loss, keeping doors (cars and units) locked, refusing to open any doors to strangers, asking workmen for identification and reporting anyone who is acting in a suspicious manner.

Beverly Hills Concierge Termination of Service 12/31/16

Dear Luma Residents,

Every year, during the budget process, the Board of Directors and staff review expenditures and vendor contracts to ensure Association funds are being spent in a productive and responsible manner. After concluding this careful analysis the Board decided to terminate their relationship with Beverly Hills Concierges (BHC) as a cost saving measure. This decision was not taken lightly and was only considered after full review of the available data and a few assumptions. Below is a partial list of criteria considered by the Board:

– Based on data provided by BHC a minority of residents avail themselves to BHC full services on a regular basis;
– Offset government imposed mandatory minimal wage increase by eliminating this nonessential operational expense;
– Most if not all Luma residents are able to use the internet and obtain similar to duplicate results for many of BHC’s services;
– A low perceived value to cost ratio;
– Socials and other BHC more popular services might be handled by onsite staff and/or resident volunteers.

For these and other reasons BHC will terminate their services on December 31st. We apologize if this causes any inconvenience for you and your family.

Please let staff know if there is anything we can do to make this transition easier for you.

Francis Langlois, General Manager
On behalf of Luma’s Board of Directors

My Figueroa Update and Tree Removal Notice

Dear Residents,

A Roadway Construction Notice has been posted on the southwest corner of 11th Street and Hope St.
9-15-2016 TO 6-14-2017
For more information go to my
Or Contact Project Engineer at 213-972-8637
City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation

Notices have been posted on the trees along 11th Street indicating a permit for removal and replacement has been requested for the Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Improvement project. Per the post, if you are interested in attending a hearing on this subject, please visit the website and submit a request for notification of the hearing date, the project is now listed on the website. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Urban Forestry Division at 213-847-3077.

Thank you,


When: – Monday, December 19th

Time: – 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Where: – BRIKS -Heated Patio– (Across the street on the Southwest corner of Hope Street and 11th Street)

Invitees: – Luma Residents

Bring your good cheer and join in the celebration of the holiday season.  There will be a buffet style taco station, a hummus station and more.  Beer and wine will be served from 7PM to 9PM.  (You can purchase your own cocktails and stay longer if you’d like to).

So come, relax, enjoy the holiday music and poinsettias.

If you have any questions, please contact Luma’s front desk staff at 213-742-0387.



1100 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 742-0387

Management Team

General Manager
Francis Langlois, CCAM-HR |

Manager Assistant
Taylor Jones |

Building Engineers
Steve Evans |


Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Office | 800-400-2284 EXT. 3608
(949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
2603 Main Street, Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303