Community Updates for 5/13/2022

Posted By on May 13, 2022

Dear Luma Residents,

Public Hearing Update – Hotel Project

The hearing took place on May 10th and the appeal made by Luma and Evo’s attorney was denied.  The next step is yet to be determined by the Boards of both of the Association’s.  We will provide updates as we get the information.

Triathlon Sunday, May 15th

This is a final reminder that on Sunday morning traffic control measures will be implemented in the streets around the neighborhood in order to conduct the annual Los Angeles Triathlon. 

A full map of our traffic control measures, as well as a timeline for the event, can be found in a separate eblast and at the website (linked below) as well as attached to this email.

Resident Fire/Life Safety Training 5/17 and 5/18 at 7:00 PM via Google Meet

Resident training for emergency procedures will be held on Tuesday, May 17th and Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00PM via Google meet. If you’ve never attended a training session here at Luma or if it’s been a while and you are due for a refresher, please join the training session via Google Meet. Link to the session: You can also join by phone (US) +1 720-500-4739 (PIN: 787050781), click for More phone numbers.

Cheese and Beer Pairing at HiDef Brewing May 22nd

South Park Neighborhood Association (SPNA) neighborhood is having an event in connection with HiDef Brewing and Vagabond Cheese.  The Cheese and Beer Pairing is Sunday, May 22, from 2- 4 pm at HiDef (1203 South Olive at the corner of 12th and Olive).  See attached flyer and RSVP here:

Window and Building Wash in Process 

The window and building wash will resume Monday, 5/16 with the continuation of the 11 stack windows and the start of the 13 stack.  The schedule is also posted in the mail room.

Composting Bin in the Recycling Room

There is a new bin in the recycling room designated for composting. The bin is green and located against the East wall.   The bin is for: Coffee Grounds, Fruit, Bread, Fish, Meat, Vegetables, Dairy, and Tea Bags.  More information is available here  You can place your composting items in bags before placing them in the bin, as long as they’re compostable!

LA County Public Health Mask Advisory

4-21-22: Masks are still required in some settings and strongly recommended in others – See the summary here and the details in the Health Officer Order.

A Message from LADWP

We are asking customers to reduce their per person use by seven gallons a day, which is the equivalent of reducing showering time by four minutes, or shutting the faucet off during a 2-minute tooth brushing cycle and 5-minute shaving cycle. The watering restrictions will go into effect June 1st, after City Council approval. For more water conservation information, go here:

Closure of the 101 Freeway May 21st

The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering will require a 24-hr closure of the 101 Freeway through Downtown Los Angeles to complete median restoration and road reconstruction repairs under the Sixth Street Viaduct.  The closure will start at 10 PM, Saturday, May 21st and be completed by 10 PM Sunday, May 22nd.  Caltrans will also be doing slab replacement work along the closed stretch of the 101 Freeway.  This will involve the 101 Freeway between State Route 60 and the Interstate 10 interchange. 

Thank you,


1100 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 742-0387

Management Team

General Manager
Francis Langlois, CCAM-HR |

Manager Assistant
Taylor Jones |

Building Engineers
Steve Evans |


Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Office | 800-400-2284 EXT. 3608
(949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303