Community Updates – 8/20/21

Posted By on August 23, 2021

Dear Luma Residents,  

8/25 SPBID Board of Directors Meeting Among other topics, the proposed Hotel project next door to Luma is on the agenda. The developer has changed the plans and will be speaking to the Board, documents attached. Other agenda topics include the Metro Improvement project and an update to the Pico Station. RSVP to the virtual meeting here. The meeting starts at 10:00AM.  

8/25 Barbeque Awning Cleaning The metal awnings above the barbeques on the terrace will be cleaned between the hours of 8:30AM and 3:00PM on Wednesday, August 25th. The barbeques will not be available for use during this time.  

9/5 Luma’s Reg IV Testing Luma’s Reg IV testing will be conducted on Wednesday, September 8th. A more detailed announcement will follow however there will be the sound of alarms and announcements, light strobes, and short power outages which can disturb children and pets so please plan accordingly.  

Mask mandate: LA County Health Order Requires Face Coverings Indoors Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has re-implemented a mandate requiring residents to wear masks while indoors, regardless of their vaccination status. The new mandate is in full effect. That means anyone entering Luma’s common areas must be wearing a properly fitted face covering regardless if you vaccinated or not. Thank you for your cooperation.   


1100 South Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
phone | (213) 742-0387

Management Team

General Manager
Francis Langlois, CCAM-HR |

Manager Assistant
Taylor Jones |

Building Engineers
Steve Evans |


Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1475
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Office | 800-400-2284 EXT. 3608
(949) 450-0202

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
phone | (949) 450-0202
fax | (949) 450-0303